Switched Reluctance Motor, Construction, Performance,
and Drive
Introduction and Research Objectives
Work has been guided towards reluctance motors particularly switched reluctance motors (SRM) according to the creation of power electronics and computer science. For industrial applications the switched reluctance motor (SRM) drives are of recent origin. For variable speed applications a variable reluctance motor has been suggested since 1969. The roots of this motor can traced back to 1842, but thanks to the introduction of inexpensive, high-power switching tools the "reinvention" became feasible. The switched reluctance motors are identical to the stepper motor which assumes that it normally has less poles with a greater stepping angle of one tooth per pole, Better power output potential and the shifted reluctance motor is usually controlled with shaft feedback to synchronize the phase currents with specific rotor locations while the stepper motor is usually worked in the open circle, i.e. without shaft location feedback. Switched reluctance motor is usually designed to transform large volumes of power efficiently; Stepper motors are most generally equipped to retain integrity controls in the phase role [1] [2].
Reluctance Motor [SRM] is also known as Variable Reluctance Motor. This motor
works on the principle of variable reluctance. This means, the rotor continuously
attempts to adjust along the most minimal reluctance way. A switching power
semiconductor circuitry (inverter) is necessary for the Switched Reluctance
Motor operation, as the name implies.
We will talk
about these topics in this subject:

Reluctance Moto
First: Construction of Switched Reluctance Motor:-
Switched Reluctance Machine or variable Reluctance Machine has two designs:
Single Salient Construction and Doubly Salient Construction,
Stator and magnetic rotor circuits are laminated to minimize core losses in all types of Switched Reluctance Machine.
Salient Construction:
A singly salient SRM construction comprises
of a non-salient stator and a salient two poles rotor. The rotor does not have
any winding wound over it but the stator have two phases winding as shown in
figure (a).
It should be remembered that, in actual SRM the number of phases winding on stator might be larger than two, but The rotor is of salient design and the inductance of the stator winding process differs with the location of the rotor. The inductance becomes minimal where the rotor axis and the stator process winding axis overlap while average when all axes are squared.
Doubly Salient Construction:
Unlike the single-significant
form, the double-significant Switched Reluctance Motor stator is of outstanding
construction and consists of four poles as seen in figure (b), the rotor does
not have winding and is of outstanding construction but has two poles. So this
type of SRM is a heteropolar motor where stator numbers and rotor poles are different.
For the
same scale, a doubly salient form Switched Reluctance Motor or variable
Reluctance Motor generates more torque relative to the singularly salient kind.
A doubly SRM is also more growing and commonly used.
Another fig for doubly construction
The stator is
composed of stampings composed of silicon steel with planned within poles. The
stator's number of poles will either be an even number, or an odd amount. Most
accessible motors also have a range of stator poles (6 or 8). Both these poles
hold spindles on the ground. The fields coils of opposite poles are bound in
series such that their mmf are additive and phase windings are named.
Individual coil or a group of coils constitute phase windings. Each of the
windings in process is connected to the motor terminal. Such terminals are
suitably attached to a control semiconductor switching circuitry's output
terminals, whose input is a dc surge.
The rotor also
consists of silicon steel stampings with planned poles to the outside. The
number of rotor poles is distinct from that of stator poles. The number of
rotor poles in most of the available motors is 4 or 6 depending on the number
of 6 or 8 stator poles.
The shaft of the rotor carries a
sensor of location. Signals obtained from the rotor location sensor affect the
turning ON and turning OFF function of the different control semiconductor
circuit devices.
Second: Switched Reluctance Motor Performance:-
In realtime
systems there are essentially three variables available for power. During
low-speed operation, torque or speed regulation can be accomplished simply by
changing the current relation while retaining the regulation angles set. However,
this will not effectively drive the drive since the machine generates some
degree of negative torque during the free wheel portion of the phase current
after turning it off in the aligned position [3]-[4]-[5]. In certain
high-technology systems, such as electric and hybrid vehicles, optimizing
output in terms of increasing capacity is a beneficial function. With
optimization strategies, drive efficiency can be enhanced under which all
variables are used for real-time power. Any concrete roles may be chosen and
used for optimisation purposes, depending on the requirement. For eg, torque
can be maximized per ampere or output, or torque ripple can be reduced with
correct power. The basic theory of such objective functions is mentioned below:-
1. Maximizing
Torque per Ampere
Torque per ampere shows the torque output capacity for a
given ohmic failure. Optimizing this ratio is similar to finding a true minimum
of total motor losses for a given processing capacity, and thereby immediately
optimizing the performance. During low speed service, a collection of control
variables can be chosen for. operating stage, either by real-time search [4], [6]
Or using neural networks[7],[8] or lookup tables to optimize the torque per
ampere. However, only the control angles are accessible for optimisation
purposes during high-speed operation[7],[8].
2. Torque
Ripple Minimization
For certain systems, such as electric power
steering, it is preferred not to have torque ripple induced by phase
commutation. The torque ripple can be reduced by properly profiling the stator
process currents which can be accomplished utilizing neural networks [9], [10],
[11]. The amplitude of the current reference to be set for increasing rotor
location is determined in real time, and is used in the control technique to
reduce the torque ripple.
Both the performance enhancement strategies described above include knowledge about the continuous rotor position with sufficient precision and resolution. While the rotor location can be sensed with reasonable precision and resolution by means of mechanical location sensors, it is a real challenge to realize it with less power by the sensor. Much of the fewer techniques of the sensor provide details about the rotor 's location on the inductance profiles at distinct stages, which is only enough to conduct phase commutation and operate the motor. The goal of this research is to obtain less sensor control that would provide continuous location information with good precision, resolution and bandwidth in order to incorporate any required performance optimization technique.
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